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VINACONEX E&C’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

At 9 a.m on April 22nd, 2016, VINACONEX E&C held the annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders at the Headquarters’ convention room, floor 18, VINACONEX tower , 34 Lang Ha, Dong Da, Ha Noi. The participants were entitled shareholders, VINACONEX E&C’s CEOs, honored representatives and members of Vietnam Auditing and Valuation Company Limited (AVA).

In 2015, VINACONEX E&C exceeded the target of revenue and output assigned by the Shareholders, and fulfilled the obligations to the state budget, paid the dividends of 2014 and appropriated funds following the profit distribution plan in 2014 according to the resolution of the 2014 annual general meeting of shareholders. All the company’s activities were in compliance with corporate law, organization charter and the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders.

To ensure resources for coming years, VINACONEX E&C has also been proposing plans of investment projects to some local power agencies in the North and the South of Vietnam and getting positive responses to these proposals.

Conform to VINACONEX E&C’s 2016 orientation, the Management Board plans to streamline its organization to meet demand of a changing construction market. The re-organization shall boost the company’s capacity and help accessing other capital resources, operate effectively and develop strongly in a larger size in future.

In this meeting, the shareholders voted for approval the agenda. The important issues were approved by direct voting as followings:

– Approved the report of business performance in 2015 and plan of operation in 2016;

– Approved the report of Management Board’s operation in 2015;

– Approved the report of finance in 2015;

– Approved the plan of profit distribution in 2015;

– Approved the report of Supervision Board about Management Board’s operation and finance report’s verification in 2015;

– Approved the proposal of choosing an independent auditing company for making the 2016 fiscal report;

– Approved the guideline of investment in transportation infrastructure project with the method of Public- Private Partnership;

– Approved the proposals of company re-organization;

– Approved a new member of Supervision Board for the period 2012-2017 because one member resigned.

After aforementioned high-unanimous votes, the annual general meeting of shareholders closed successfully on the same day at 11.30 a.m.

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