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    The Southern major economic region consists of 8 provinces and cities which are Ho Chi Minh City and the provinces of Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Ba Ria – Vung Tau, Tay Ninh, Binh Phuoc, Long An and Tien Giang. This economic region has a dynamic development with high growth, holds the leading position in some important industries such as import-export and production of consumer goods, attracts foreign investments, develops centralized industrial zones and product processing zones, contributing to improve the competitiveness of the economy, create the development driving force for the region and attractions to neighboring areas.

Figure 1 – Project location

    This region is the transport center with all types of transport including domestic and international highway, railway, waterway, and airway.

    For Ring Road No.3, because of its importance in creating the regional development driving force, the Prime Minister approved the detail planning of Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road No.3 at Decision No. 1697/QD -TTg dated 28/9/2011. Accordingly, the entire ring road No. 3 has the length of 89.3 kilometers passing Ho Chi Minh City and 4 provinces of Dong Nai, Binh Duong and Long An.

    Because the total investment of Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road No. 3 is very high, in order to facilitate the mobilization of legal investment capitals, the road is divided into independent components, of which Component 1A is the investment project on construction of the section from Provincial Road No. 25 to Ho Chi Minh City – Long Thanh – Dau Giay expressway.

Figure 2 – Project location

    Component 1A, Tan Van – Nhon Trach section of Ring Road No. 3 has the length of about 8.75 kilometers with the starting point at the interchange with the provincial road No. 25B in Nhon Trach district, Dong Nai province, and the ending point at the interchange with HCM City – Long Thanh – Dau Giay expressway in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City. The work is planned to have following scales:

Road class:

+ Urban expressway (design velocity V = 100km/h)

+ In phase 1, the road will have the scale equivalent to the plain road class III according to the standard coded TCVN 4054-2005, with design velocity V = 80km/h;

–  Typical cross-section: 4 motorized lanes and 2 mixed lanes

– Road junction: 3 intersections with provincial roads and 1 interchange with HCMC – Long Thanh – Dau Giay expressway

– Bridge: 2 bridges and 4 viaducts of frontage roads

– Toll plaza: 01 toll plaza

– Lighting: Lighting system shall be arranged along the route alignment.

Figure 3: Route alignment of sections Km5+000 – Km10+000

and Km12+600 – Km13+750

    Package CW2: Construction of Km5+000 ÷ Km10+000 and Km12+600 ÷ Km13+750. Total length: 6.15km, in which:

    + Section from Km5+000 ÷ Km10+000 has length of 5km in Nhon Trach district, Dong Nai province, and

    + Section from Km12+600 ÷ Km13+750 has length of 1.15km in Thu Duc city, Ho Chi Minh city.

    The road entering the intersection with HCMC – Long Thanh – Dau Giay expressway (HLD expressway) (Km0+000 ÷ Km0+787) has length of 787m (including 4 ramps 3, 4, 5, 6 and 1 toll plaza) in Thu Duc city, Ho Chi Minh city.

Figure 4: Contract signing ceremony for Package CW2, on March 28th, 2023

    Joint Venture Dongbu Corporation – VNCN Engineering Construction and Investment Joint Stock Corporation (Dongbu – VNCN E&C JV) was awarded Package CW2: Construction of Km5+000~Km10+000 and Km 12+600~13+750 with the contract value of 12,586,020,928 KRW and 937,162,483,909 VND, to be implemented in 28 months.

    The scale in phase 1 and technical specifications of the project: construction of 4 motorized lanes and 2 mixed lanes, design velocity V = 80km/h.  Cross section:

– Section Km5+000 ÷ Km10+000 and section Km12+600 ÷ Km13+100: width of cross section is B=20.5m, including:

+ Motorized lane: 4 x 3.50m                = 14.00 m;

+ Non-motorized lane: 2 x 2.00m        = 4.00 m;

+ Median strip:                                       = 0.50m;

+ Safety strip: 2 x 0.50m                       = 1.00 m;

+ Unpaved shoulder: 2 x 0.50m           = 1.00 m.

– Section Km13+220 ÷ Km13+750: construction of 2 separate directions (on the parallel road of the complete phase), width of cross section of each direction is B=13m, including:

+ Motorized lane: 2 x 3.50m                = 7.00 m;

+ Mixed lane:                                          = 4.50 m;

+ Inner safety strip:                                = 0.50 m;

+ Unpaved shoulder: 2 x 0.50m           = 1.00 m.

– Scale of the ramp entering the intersection with HCM – Long Thanh – Dau Giay expressway (Km0+000 ÷ Km0+787): width of cross-section is B=19m, including:

+ Motorized lane: 4 x 3.50m                = 14.00 m;

+ Median strip:                                       = 0.50 m;

+ Inner safety strip: 2 x 0.50m             = 1.00 m;

+ Outer safety strip: 2 x 1.00m             = 2.00 m;

+ Unpaved shoulder: 2 x 0.75m           = 1.50 m.

–  Main quantities of road work:

+ Total volume of excavation:                  84,959 m3

+ Total volume of filling:                           285,377 m3, in which:

    – Sand:                                                 225,671 m3

     – Soil:                                                  47,053 m3

     – Granular material:                            12,652 m3

+ Embankment and pavement:

      – Base:                                                          47,314 m3

      – Subbase:                                                    66,939 m3

      – Asphalt concrete:                                        86,668 tons

+ Soft soil treatment:

      – Cut and fill:                         1.28 km, in which: 208,904 m2 geo-textile

      – PVD + DMC:                      3.24 km in which: 1,217,080 m PVD

                                                   and 45,425 m DMC

      – Load reduction floor:          0.004 Km

+ Box culvert and pipe culvert:

      – Box culvert:                                                7 ea.

      – Pipe culvert:                                                9 ea.

–  Main quantities of bridge work:

+ Super T girder:             240 ea

+ Bored pile D1200:        336 piles ~ 18,138 m

+ PHC pipe pile:             448 piles ~ 21,860 m

+ Solid slab girder:         439 m

+ Concrete volume:        41.272 m3

+ Steel volume:               3.979 tons